Morpheus 8 | Education
Do nothing to your face/neck/treated body part for 24 hours (this includes leaving on the aftercare applied in-office for the full 24 hours)
AFTER 24 HOURS (both morning & night):
-Wash using a gentle cleanser provided to you
-Hydrate with a moisturizer (one is provided to you, we also recommend ZO Growth Factor)
-Sun exposure
-Excessive sweating
-Exfoliating acids
-Occlusive ointments
-Antihistamine for swelling
-Topical hydrocortisone for itching
Normal reactions:
-Tight/warm skin
-Small red abrasion spots
-Dryness & flaking
Makeup can be applied after 24 hours
Tips to enhance results:
-Avoid NSAIDS (ibuprofen, etc.) for the next week (Tylenol is OK)
-Take an oral vitamin C supplement to support collagen formation
-Drink lots of water
-SPF every single day
-Retinols can resume 1 week post-procedure